The CEISAM NMR platform will organise a half-day symposium on Tuesday 18 October, in the afternoon, for a broad audience and notably its diverse users.On this occasion, Bénédicte Elena-Herrmann from Université Grenoble-Alpes will give a presentation on her metabolomics research. The day will further be composed of four presentations, by internal and external users, covering diverse...
Author: CEISAM
CEISAM Conference
As part of the “CEISAM Conference” cycle, the young theoretical chemist Basile CURCHOD from the University of Bristol (UK) and PI of the in silico photochemistry group, will give a conference on Wednesday April 27, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. in room 111 of building 26. Driving new developments in excited-state molecular dynamics through challenging photochemical...
CEISAM calls for application for a CNRS junior professor position
The CEISAM Institute in Nantes (France) invites applications for a CNRS junior Professor position (tenure track) in experimental molecular chemistry. This position targets disruptive aspects of analytical, organic, and/or physical chemistry. Candidates will propose a research project that transcends the frontiers within the disciplines of molecular chemistry. Possible research areas include operando analysis, “digital” chemistry, and/or automated synthesis. The CEISAM Institute ( encompasses all the molecular chemistry research activities in Nantes University...
The MIMM team and the CEISAM NMR platform participates to a Horizon Europe coordination action on remote access to NMR facilities
The project “Remote NMR (R-NMR): moving NMR infrastructures to remote access capabilities” aims at establishing common and standardised practice for remote access to NMR facilities in Europe. The MIMM team and the CEISAM NMR platform will contribute to exchanges on the topic of remote access, leading to a broader and greener access to NMR in...
PhD Defense : Marina COUPEAU
Marina COUPEAU, PhD student in CEISAM IMF team, will defend his thesis untitled « Development of hybrid nano-assemblies of magnetic multi-core inside an organic matrix of curcumin 4-arylidene for biological applications » on March 29th 2022 at 9h30 in CEISAM’s conference room « Marie Curie ». Abstract Keywords Curcumin 4-arylidene derivatives, anisotropic magnetic nanoparticles, hybrid nano-assemblies, liquid magnetic hyperthermia
A symposium on hyperpolarized NMR spectroscopy for the analysis of mixtures
Members of the MIMM team of the CEISAM laboratory are organising a three-day symposium on the developements and applications of hyperpolarized nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for the analysis of mixtures. It will be held on the science campus of Nantes Université, on 13-15 June 2022. See: This unprecedented 3-day event will be dedicated...
Nantes is hosting the ISI NucMed interdisciplinary school
Nantes is hosting the first edition of ISI NucMed (Interdisciplinary School In Nuclear Medicine). Co-organized with CEISAM, and supported by the integrative research cluster TransForMed, this event will be held from June 27 To 29, 2022. Over three days, 35 participants will deepen their knowledge in three main fields of nuclear medicine research, with a...
CEISAM Conference
November 30th 2021
PhD Defense : Johann LEBLANC
January 18th 2022
PhD Defense : Thibaut BARON
December 14th 2021