Analytical equipment

Elemental analysis

Elemental analyzer for quantitative dosage of C, H, N and S elements (Flash 2000 de Thermo Scientific)


Flash 2000 apparatus from ThermoFisher Scientific for the simultaneous analysis of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur in 1 mg of solid or liquid sample. Sample are analysed two times.

ceisam flash 2000 ThermoFisher Scientific


The sample (1 mg – microgramme precision) is pyrolize under oxygen at 960°C.

Nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and sulphur are, by a succession of reactions, oxidized in carbon dioxide, water, dinitrogen and sulphur dioxide. These gases are then separated by column chromatography, detected by a cathetometer and quantified by integration of the resulting peak from the conduction variation of the so-called cathetometer.

The viability of the result is established at the end of the analysis by a standard.

On stable and clean products, the percentage given by the analyser is more or less 0.4% of the calculated pourcentages. (absolute accuracy = 0.2 %).


Office 123
Phone: +332 51 12 57 13

Method: Particle size analysis using dynamic light scattering (DLS) (CPER CISPEO)

Device: Cordouan VascoKin™

170° back-scattering working mode, volume range 50 µL-4 mL


  • 659 nm excitation laser diode head
  • APD detection (dead time 35 ns, pulse width 14 ns, afterpulse < 1%)
  • Tête de mesure déportée
  • Gamme de tailles : 0,5 nm à 10 um
  • Concentration : 1.10-5 à 40 % massique
  • Résolution temporelle : 200 ms

Cordouan VascoKin

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy


Atomic Absorption Spectrometer THERMO SCIENTIFIC ICE 3300

Flame "Air/Acetylene" or "Nitrous Oxyde/Acetylene"

Analysis with Flame Air/Acetylene:
Li, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, Rb, Sr, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, Cs, Ba, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi.
Available lamps in the lab : Pb, Fe/Ni, Na/K, Ca/Si, Cd/Zn, Mg, Ag, Ga, Sn, Cu and Pd.

Analysis with Flame Nitrous oxide /Acetylene :
Be, B, Al, Si, P, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Rh, Sn, Ba, La, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Th, U.
Available lamps in the lab : Ca/Si, Ga, Sn, Gd, As, P, Ho, Ti, Zr and Pt.



Office 240
Phone: +332 51 12 53 28


Atomic force microscope

Operation CPER "CEISAM Atomic Force Microscope" of the CISPEO project is cofunded by the European Union through the funds of the region Pays de la Loire (FEDER) .

ceisam europe region feder

ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPE JPK NanoWizard®4 combined with NIKON Ti2-U inverted optical microscope

Measuring mode :

  • Contact.
  • Dynamic.
  • Force Modulation (QI Advanced TM mode).
  • Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPM mode).


Sample holder :

  • Temperature module (-30°C to +120°C +/- 0.1°C) designed for opaque samples (JPK HCM TM ). Sample size : 15x15 mm. .
  • Temperature module (RT to +60°C +/- 0.1°C) designed for transparent samples (PetriDishHeater TM ). Compatible with 35 mm Petri dishes.


Inverted Microscope :


  • Nikon CFI S P-Fluor ELWD 60xC/ 0.95/WD : 0,21-0,11mm.
  • Nikon CFI S P-Fluor ELWD 40xC/ 0.95/ WD : 0,25-0,16mm.
  • Nikon CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 20X/ 0.75/ 1,00 mm.

LED Source.

Fluorescence filters :

  • DAPI-50LP-A.
  • FITC-3540C.
  • Cy3-4040C.
  • Cy5-4040C.



JPK acoustic enclosure with Accurion's Halcyonics i4 acitve vibration isolation system.

  • Cy3-4040C.
  • Cy5-4040C.


Le microscope à Force Atomique est adapté aux échantillons inorganiques - organiques - biologiques – sous air ou en milieu liquide.
Les mesures sont réalisées par François-Xavier LEFEVRE.


François-Xavier LEFEVRE
Office 240
Phone: +332 51 12 54 05