PhD Defense : Benjamin LORANDEL

Benjamin LORANDEL, PhD student in CEISAM MIMM team, will defend his thesis untitled “Development of ultrafast diffusion NMR methods for the analysis of mixtures” on December 12th 2023 at 10h in CEISAM’s conference room « Marie Curie ». Abstract Diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY) is a powerful tool for the analysis of mixtures. DOSY experiments rely on a pair...

PhD Defense : Isabella MERRITT

Isabella MERRITT, PhD student in CEISAM MODES team, will defend his thesis untitled “Modelling of photochemical reactions through non-adiabatic dynamics simulations” on November 14th 2023 at 9h30 in CEISAM’s conference room « Marie Curie ». Abstract This thesis is concerned with the modelling of photochemical reactions, especially of the popular azobenzene (AZB) photochrome. Photochromes are molecules which can be switched...

Chemistry of life: an innovative analytical approach developed in Nantes

A research team (1) from the CEISAM laboratory (Chemistry and Interdisciplinarity: Synthesis, Analysis, Modelling – Nantes University/CNRS) has developed a new approach for studying biological samples using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). This breakthrough opens up a wide range of prospects, both in terms of analytical chemistry developments and applications in many other fields (personalized medicine,...

A new book on 2D NMR spectroscopy edited by CEISAM scientists

Two scientists of the MIMM team of the CEISAM laboratory have edited a book on fast 2D solution-state NMR, that was just published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Written by active investigators in the field, this book describes state-of-the-art methods that can accelerate the acquisition of 2D NMR spectra in solution-state. The acquisition of...

A new console for isotopomic NMR

In the context of a collaboration between RS2D and Professor Serge Akoka’s group, new electronics have been installed on one of the 400 MHz spectrometers of the CEISAM NMR platform. This equipment (a Quad-C4 console), equipped with a 19F lock, will be dedicated to methodological developments in high precision quantitative NMR and in particular to...

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Symposium CEISAM NMR

The CEISAM NMR platform will organise a half-day symposium on Thursday 8 June, in the afternoon, for a broad audience and notably its diverse users. On this occasion, Ewen Lescop from Université Paris-Saclay will give a presentation on his research, on protein-ligand interactions, and the dynamics of biomacromolecules in membranes. The day will further be composed...

Conference : Motomu KANAI

Motomu Kanai, a renowned Professor at the University of Tokyo, will be giving a lecture at the CEISAM laboratory (Marie Curie room) on Friday, April 14th at 3pm. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to meet with him on April 14th. The lecture will focus on the chemoselective bioconjugation of...

The CEISAM NMR platform obtains the ISO 9001 certification

Following an evaluation process conducted by AFNOR, the CEISAM NMR platform has obtained the ISO 9001 certification for its activity in the “Development and services in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance”. This certification marks a commitment towards a continuous improvement approach in the service of its users. It is a recognition of the involvement...

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