CEISAM provides key expertise in NMR of complex mixtures to understand ant metabolism

In recently published article in the journal Nature Communications, researchers from the MIMM team contributed to an international study to better understand the mechanisms of ant shell formation. In this collaborative work led by researchers from the EcoFoG laboratory (AgroParisTech, CNRS, INRAE, Cirad, University of the Antilles, University of Guyana) and from Cornell University (USA),...

MetaboHUB 2.0: CEISAM joins a national research infrastructure

As of January 1, 2021, the CEISAM institute, via the MIMM team and the NMR platform, becomes one of the partners of the MetaboHUB national research infrastructure in metabolomics and fluxomics. This integration marks the institute’s recognition in the field of metabolomics, and allows the laboratory to join an infrastructure that constitutes an international reference...

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