The INDEED-IRMS project, coordinated by Illa Tea at the CEISAM Institute, has been selected by the French National Research Agency through its 2020 call for proposals. The project concerns Intramolecular DEep Expertise Diagnostic by Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry-INDEED-IRMS, and is funded over 42 months.
Developing new methods of early diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic strategies relies heavily on biomarker discovery. With the INDEED-IRMS project, researchers at CEISAM will develop new IRMS (isotopic ratio mass spectrometry) detection methods, 15N-Position Specific Isotopic Analysis on-line (15N-PSIA).
By using theoritical models to understand 15N variations, 15N-PSIA IRMS analysis will allow to investigate how N metabolic fluxes are physiopathologically altered. The potential of our new approach will be demonstrated by applying it to Breast cancer serum and tissue samples from different subtypes expressing different hormonal receptors in order to reach a deeper understanding of their metabolism. The existence of such natural and interpretable isotopic biomarkers promises innovative application in health.