As part of CEISAM’s lecture series, Frédéric Leroux from the University of Strasbourg will be presenting his work on Tuesday June 24 at 10:30 a.m. in the Marie Curie room. Expanding the Toolbox of Fluorinated Motifs: Selective Strategies forFluoroalkylation and PFAS Alternatives Frédéric R. Leroux,*Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, UMR7042-LIMA, ECPM, 25 rue Becquerel, 67087 Strasbourg*e-mail:...
Author: CEISAM
CEISAM training course for schoolchildren
Last week, CEISAM welcomed four trainees from middle school (collège, 3ème), who came to find out about careers in chemistry and research with members of the laboratory. They were there from 24 to 28 February 2025, and each of them could learn about the various disciplines studied in the laboratory – despite the ongoing works!
Awarded the Junior Innovation Chair
Ewen Bodio Awarded the Junior Innovation Chair [2024-2029] by the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) His research focuses on the design of photoactive molecules and their applications in medical imaging, therapy, and sustainable development through photocatalysis. Now joining the IUF and CEISAM, he will further his work on developing near-infrared (NIR) molecular probes. These cutting-edge...
2024 Rising Stars in Measurement Science
Estelle Lebègue is part of the 2024 Rising Stars in Measurement Science, the special issue of ACS Measurement Science Au highlighting the early career researchers from across the globe breaking new ground in analytical chemistry. This special issue features a collection of open-access peer-reviewed papers from nineteen outstanding researchers who are the leaders in spectroscopy,...
Art & Science Conference
As part of the Nuit Blanche des Chercheurs-es, an “ART & SCIENCE” conference presented by Yann PELLEGRIN (CNRS researcher, CEISAM laboratory, Nantes University) and Sophie KERAUDREN-HARTENBERGER (visual artist), will take place on Thursday February 6 at 5:45pm at Stéréolux (Micro room), 4 Bd Léon-Bureau, Nantes. Alchemy, a fusion of science and mysticism, initiated modern chemistry...
Art at CEISAM!
Since the beginning of the year, CEISAM has been colorful with the installation of 3 pictorial works acquired and exhibited at CEISAM. These works were chosen by the UMR Board from the collection designed & exhibited by artist Philippe Naud: “L’incroyable et fabuleuse histoire de Chromo-Sapiens, de l’infiniment petit à l’infiniment grand” for the “Chemistry,...
Analytical chemistry: a new ultra-sensitive approach to metabolomics
Scientists from the CEISAM laboratory (Chemistry and Interdisciplinarity: Synthesis, Analysis, Modeling – Nantes University – CNRS) have developed a new approach for detecting metabolic biomarkers of clinical pathologies using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). This breakthrough in analytical chemistry, which opens up many new prospects for biomedical studies, has just been published in the Journal of...
NMR metabolomics symposium
We are delighted to welcome you to this 3-day (16-18 June 2025) symposium on NMR based metabolomics in Nantes, France. This unprecedented 3-day event will be dedicated to the development and application of NMR methods for metabolomics, at the interface between NMR methodology (including high-field and compact NMR, MRI and hyperpolarization), analytical chemistry and applications...
Scientific Days 2025
The 18th edition of the Journées Scientifiques organized by Nantes Université will take place on Tuesday, May 27, 2025 at La Cité des Congrès in Nantes. Nantes Université’s Journées Scientifiques (JS) are one of the major events promoting the university’s research activities in the region. Since 2008, they have welcomed over 18,000 delegates from a...
5ᵉ GDR Chembio Days
GDR 2095 Chemobiology The 5th GDR Chembio Days will be held in Nantes on June 5-6, 2025, in the 400 amphitheatre of the Faculty of Pharmacy, for two days of scientific exchange, innovation and discovery. Now a fixture on the French scene, this annual event brings together researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers, technicians, post-docs and PhD students...