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CEISAM Institute

Research institute in Molecular Chemistry

The CEISAM Institute (Interdisciplinary Chemistry: Synthesis, Analysis, Modelling) was founded in 2008, in order to structure Nantes Molecular Chemistry (theoretical chemistry, organic / organometallic synthesis, analytical chemistry & physicochemistry).

Latest News

A CEISAM researcher is co-recipient of the young researcher prize of the Physical Chemistry Division

Jean-Nicolas Dumez, researcher at CEISAM, is co-recipient of the 2021 young researcher prize from the Physical Chemistry Division (DCP) of the French Chemical Society, for his work on the development of an NMR spectroscopy methods for mixture analysis . Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a particularly relevant approach for the analysis of mixtures, the...

The PIRAMID – Protein Interactions in Rational Approaches for Medicinal Innovative Drugs, research programme is organizing a symposium on September 23-24, 2021, in Nantes.

For two days, the symposium will bring together chemists, biologists, modellers and bioinformaticians carrying out their research in the field of PPIs, and will take place according to the following highlights: 4 plenary conferences: —> Dr Philippe ROCHE, Aix-Marseille University – “A Brief History of PPIs”, —> Dr Isabelle KRIMM, Lyon 1 University – “NMR-guided...

CEISAM provides key expertise in NMR of complex mixtures to understand ant metabolism

In recently published article in the journal Nature Communications, researchers from the MIMM team contributed to an international study to better understand the mechanisms of ant shell formation. In this collaborative work led by researchers from the EcoFoG laboratory (AgroParisTech, CNRS, INRAE, Cirad, University of the Antilles, University of Guyana) and from Cornell University (USA),...

Next events

Thursday, February 6, 2025
5:45 pm at Stéréolux
Art & Science

Tuesday, May 27, 2025
Nantes Convention Centre
“Antiviral control: Small molecules & Big effects!”

June 5-6, 2025
5th GDR Chembio Conference

June 16-18, 2025
NMR metabolomics symposium

Our research teams

This Institute is organized into five research teams covering coherent areas of activity but which are based on different and highly complementary segments, giving rise to original transversal projects.

On the basis of fundamental and specific expertise, CEISAM is positioned in a certain number of niches of excellence at the interface with the fields of Health, Food chemistry and Materials, through privileged interactions at regional, national and international levels.

Platforms and equipment

To support our research activities, the CEISAM Institute owns many specialist equipments.

These instruments and equipment chains, sometimes intégrated into platforms, aim to synthesize, model, prepare and characterize organic or hybrid items. The European Union, the CNRS and the "Pays de la Loire" region have largely contributed to co-financing these platforms and equipments in particular in NMR, Mass Spectrometry, Molecular Modeling, Optical spectroscopies and microscopy.

Contact us

Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
2 Rue de la Houssinière
BP 92208