CEISAM Institute
Research institute in Molecular Chemistry
The CEISAM Institute (Interdisciplinary Chemistry: Synthesis, Analysis, Modelling) was founded in 2008, in order to structure Nantes Molecular Chemistry (theoretical chemistry, organic / organometallic synthesis, analytical chemistry & physicochemistry).
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CEISAM training course for schoolchildren
Last week, CEISAM welcomed four trainees from middle school (collège, 3ème), who came to find out about careers in chemistry and research with members of the laboratory. They were there from 24 to 28 February 2025, and each of them could learn about the various disciplines studied in the laboratory – despite the ongoing works!
Awarded the Junior Innovation Chair
Ewen Bodio Awarded the Junior Innovation Chair [2024-2029] by the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) His research focuses on the design of photoactive molecules and their applications in medical imaging, therapy, and sustainable development through photocatalysis. Now joining the IUF and CEISAM, he will further his work on developing near-infrared (NIR) molecular probes. These cutting-edge...
2024 Rising Stars in Measurement Science
Estelle Lebègue is part of the 2024 Rising Stars in Measurement Science, the special issue of ACS Measurement Science Au highlighting the early career researchers from across the globe breaking new ground in analytical chemistry. This special issue features a collection of open-access peer-reviewed papers from nineteen outstanding researchers who are the leaders in spectroscopy,...
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Our research teams
This Institute is organized into five research teams covering coherent areas of activity but which are based on different and highly complementary segments, giving rise to original transversal projects.
On the basis of fundamental and specific expertise, CEISAM is positioned in a certain number of niches of excellence at the interface with the fields of Health, Food chemistry and Materials, through privileged interactions at regional, national and international levels.
Platforms and equipment
To support our research activities, the CEISAM Institute owns many specialist equipments.
These instruments and equipment chains, sometimes intégrated into platforms, aim to synthesize, model, prepare and characterize organic or hybrid items. The European Union, the CNRS and the "Pays de la Loire" region have largely contributed to co-financing these platforms and equipments in particular in NMR, Mass Spectrometry, Molecular Modeling, Optical spectroscopies and microscopy.