For two days, the symposium will bring together chemists, biologists, modellers and bioinformaticians carrying out their research in the field of PPIs, and will take place according to the following highlights: 4 plenary conferences: —> Dr Philippe ROCHE, Aix-Marseille University – “A Brief History of PPIs”, —> Dr Isabelle KRIMM, Lyon 1 University – “NMR-guided...
Category: Events
PhD Defense : Aurélien LERAY
Aurélien LERAY, PhD student in CEISAM CORAIL team, will defend her thesis entitled “Chemically modified AAV for gene therapy” on February 16th 2021 at 14h in CEISAM’s conference room “Marie Curie”. Abstract AAV, or adeno associated virus, are now becoming therapeutic products thanks to their properties. The hundreds of ongoing clinical trials demonstrated their efficiency and gene...
PhD Defense: Marie DENIS
Marie DENIS, PhD student in CEISAM CORAIL team, will defend her thesis entitled “Toward the development of ultra-fast spatio-controled covalent printing” on January 08th 2021. Abstract Cellulose is a very common material mainly used for fabrics and paper. Writing and printing processes are mainly based on the celluloseabsorption abilities. However once adsorbed on the cellulose...
PhD Defense: Coralie ASSAILLY
Abstract: Design and evaluation of multivalent bacterial sialidases inhibitors
Two days on compact NMR and great perspectives
A two day symposium on "Compact NMR: Perspectives for (bio)process monitoring", organized by the MIMM team, will be held in Nantes on 14-15 October 2020 in the CEISAM lab and by video conferencing.