Tribute to Isabelle BEAUDET

It was with great sorrow and emotion that we learned of the death of Isabelle Beaudet on October 27. Aged 58, she was a teacher-researcher in the Chemistry Department and the CEISAM Laboratory.

She came to Nantes to study for a DEA and then a PhD under Prof. J.-P. Quintard, and was recruited as a Senior Lecturer in 1993 after a post-doctoral internship in Lausanne under Prof. P. Vogel. She made a major contribution to the development of research topics involving functionalized vinyltins and allytins, chiral alpha-amino organotins and the development of iminosugar syntheses. Her extensive expertise in organometallic chemistry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis has been invaluable for each of the projects she has been involved in as a member of the CORAIL team.

She was heavily involved in the implementation of the LMD and for almost 10 years managed the statutory teaching services of the Chemistry Department’s teacher-researchers. From 2010 to 2018, she held the position of Vice-Dean for Teaching at the UFR des Sciences et des Techniques. During her final years at the UFR, Isabelle was project manager for the D2SUP software package, and was responsible for working with the dean of the UFR Sciences et Techniques on this training engineering and management software package, as well as being a hybridization referent from the outset. She was also heavily involved in the collective life of the establishment as an elected member of the CEVU and then the CFVU from 2012 to 2020. In 2013, Isabelle was named Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques.

Greatly appreciated by all, she will leave us with the image of a colleague and friend who cared about a job well done, was cheerful, dynamic and always smiling.

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