Borys Osmialowski is a recognized expert in organic synthesis of dyes. He will be presenting his recent work on Thursday 12th May at 14h30. (The room will be specified later.)
Structural modification in BF2-carrying fluorophores
Borys Ośmiałowski
Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
Large number of fluorescent dyes that are available currently is used in several fields
of science and technology. The position of their absorption and/or emission can be relatively
easily tuned by a variety of methods, but other photophysical properties are not so easy to design using chemical intuition.
The classical BODIPY dyes are, in general, highly fluorescent compounds with rigid core carrying BF2-group. The same acceptor is present in several other classes of dyes as, for example, boranils, ketonates or ketoiminates. The methods to tune their properties are known but the whole palette of modifications is rarely used for any class of those dyes.
The palette of possibilities for tuning properties of new BF2-carrying dyes was used starting from the phenacyl heterocycles and the systematic change of substituent, benzannulation of the heterocyclic ring, exchange of single atoms within the rigid core, elongation of the p-conjugation path or by the change in the crucial geometry parameters.
That delivered a palette of fluorescent molecules that can be useful not only as, for example, probes but also in OLEDs. The figure shows main modification methods. During the talk selected structural features will be discussed together with their influence on properties.