ANR projects

The French National Research Agency (ANR) funds individual research projects carried out by young researchers (JCJC) and collaborative research projects (PRC/PRCI/PRCE).
Led by Clémence QUEFFELEC
2025 - 2029
Financials: 217 148,20 € for NU and 400 000 $ for USA (ANR PRCI)
The BICEPS project led by C. Queffélec focuses on the development of innovative solutions for transforming CO2 into carbon monoxide (CO), a molecule useful in industry. The aim is to use visible light as an energy source, and to create systems capable of carrying out this transformation using elements that are abundant on Earth, such as copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni). Few current systems make effective use of these non-noble metals. We are seeking to fill this gap by developing catalysts - chemical species that make particularly energy-intensive reactions possible - that can capture and use the energy of light to convert CO2 in a sustainable and economical way.
Led by Marine LETERTRE
2025 - 2028
Financials: 260 069 € (ANR JCJC)
UNICORN aims at developing cutting-edge Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)-based metabolomic approaches to offer unprecedented prognostic and diagnostic solutions for personalized medicine, focusing on the field of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) that led to more than 18 million deaths worldwide in 2019. Its originality relies on the development of an integrated and optimised metabolomics workflow, based on a panel of innovative NMR methods and on a well-adapted design of the clinical study.
Led by Jean-Nicolas DUMEZ
December 2023 - December 2027
Financials: 570 525 € (ANR PRC - ANR-23-CE29-0013)
The SOFTNMR project aims to provide a wealth of information on organic chemical reactions, through the development of sensitive methods for the analysis of reaction mixtures, based on flow nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
2022 – 2026
Financials: 222 384€ (ANR-PRC)
The CRAC project led by Yann Pellegrin involves using the photochemical process of reductive quenching of the excited state with homoleptic copper(I) complexes. In this way, impressive reducing powers are achieved under the action of light, enabling the activation of organic substrates with low reactivity, notably aryl chlorides. Our aim is to exploit this process to promote photochemical cross-coupling reactions, and photogenerate C-C, C-B or C-P bonds.
Led by Sébastien GOUIN
January 2022 – December 2025
Financials: 469 599 € (ANR-22-CE18-0017-01)
The Sialobacter project involves the development of multivalent chemical inhibitors of enzymes involved in the catabolism of sialic acids by the intestinal microbiota. This enzyme inhibition could offer a new therapeutic perspective for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.
Led by Eléna ISHOW
2022 – 2025
Financials: 519 000 € (ANR PRC)
The pluridisciplinary AZOTICS project, gathering teams of chemists, physicists and biologists, targets two main objectives: the first one, quite fundamental, focusing on a better understanding of optical, thermal and mechanical energy exchanges at the nanoscale; the second one, more applied, oriented toward the development of multimodal tools for real-time monitoring of inflammatory processes.
Led by Estelle LEBEGUE
January 2022 – December 2025
Financials: 254 272 € (ANR JCJC - ANR-21-CE42-0007-01)
The ELIPOX research project (Electrochemistry of redox liposome nano-impacts for bacterial toxins sensing) aims to detect with a high sensibility the presence of bacterial toxins thanks to the electrochemistry of redox liposome nano-impacts.
Led by François-Xavier FELPIN
December 2021 - December 2025
Financials: 384 496 € (ANR-21-CE07-0056)
The DigitalChem project will develop the world's first workflow platform for autonomous screening and optimization of reaction conditions.
Led by Illa TEA
March 2021 – October 2024
Financials: 266 112 € 317 144 € (ANR PRCE - ANR-20-PRCE18-0020-03)
The INDEED-IRMS (Intramolecular DEep Expertise Diagnostic by Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry) research project aims to develop a tool for early intramolecular isotope diagnosis by Isotope Mass Spectrometry.
Led by Mohammed BOUJTITA
November 2019 - April 2023
Financials: 266 112 € (ANR PRC - ANR-19-CE07-0021)
The e-click project led by Mohammed BOUJTITA consists of the use of electrochemistry for the selective modification of biomolecules for their therapeutic applications
Led by Vincent COEFFARD
September 2019 - Mars 2023
Financials: 182 809 € (ANR PRC - ANR-18-CE07-0013)
The aim of the CAROS project is to develop novel photosensitizers able to generate, store and selectively release singlet oxygen for applications in antibacterial photodynamic therapy (PTDA).
Led by Bruno BUJOLI
December 2018 - December 2023
Financials: 487 562.40€ (PRCE)
The BREAKSIT project, coordinated by Bruno BUJOLI, proposes to develop new innovative calcium phosphate cements for bone reconstruction, suitable for Spectral Photon Counting-CT (SPCCT) imaging, and to demonstrate for the first time the unique advantages of SPCCT for bone surgery compared to conventional radiology or CT scanning techniques.
Led by Adèle LAURENT
December 2018 - November 2022
Financials: 172 629 € (ANR JCJC)
The InducedFluo project led by Adèle LAURENT aims to characterize a new class of fluorescent protein using theoretical chemistry approches in order to extend its field of application.
Led by Jonathan FARJON
November 2018 – Décember 2023
Financials: 363 096 € (ANR PRC - ANR-18-CE39-0013-01)
The DEVIL_INSID (Development of an analytical platform for tracking new psychoactive drugs) research project aims to develop an analytical platform using compact Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to characterize illicit drugs. This transportable platform will then be transferred to the Service National de Police Scientifique (SNPS) in Lyon to enhance their routine analytical performance.
Led by Stéphane DIRING
October 2017 - April 2023
Financials: 221 778 € (ANR JCJC)
The PhotoMOF project aims to design thin films of porous hybrid solids (MOFs) integrating multiple photoactive components to optimize solar energy conversion.
Led by Sébastien GOUIN
September 2017 - September 2020
Financials: 377 278 € (ANR-17-CE07-0028)
HICARE project is based on an unprecedented approach for reaching high affinities and selectivities for sialidase enzymes expressed by bacteria and parasites. Many sialidases of biological interest possess carbohydrate-binding modules (CBM) in close proximity of the catalytic site (CAT). They functions as anchoring points to the targeted glycans, increasing the catalytic efficiency of the system. The aim of HICARE is to develop multivalent inhibitors targeting both the CAT and CBM modules.