MIMM: Metabolomics

Our NMR methodological developments for the quantitative analysis of complex mixtures address the needs of a broad community of users in metabolomics and fluxomics. We are particularly keen of applying non-conventional approaches which have the potential to surpass conventional 1D NMR, both for untargeted profiling or for targeted quantitative analysis of complex biological mixtures. These methods include ultrafast 2D NMR at medium and high magnetic field, hyperpolarized NMR or an original “metabisotopomics” approach that combines metabolomics and isotopic information. As methodology development experts, we do not focus on a specific applicative question but we rather like to explore a broad variety of research questions with our collaborators in food science, food chemical safety, forensics, health or plant sciences.  Our team is integrated in the MetaboHUB infrastructure that gathers French expertise centers in metabolomics and fluxomics, as well as in the Corsaire metabolomics platform (Biogenouest).


Metabolomics CEISAM