Le Professeur Niket Kaisare du prestigieux Indian Institut de Technologie de MADRAS (IIT Madras) donnera une conférence le 29 Septembre prochain en salle Marie-Curie à 10h00 dans le domaine de la catalyse hétérogène pour des application en énergie et capture de CO2. Le Professeur Niket Kaisare ingénieur chimiste (au sens anglosaxon du terme). Ses recherches portent essentiellement sur la modélisation multi-échelle de procédés de combustion, la catalyse et le contrôle pour des applications dans le domaine de l’énergie et de la conversion du CO2.
Subject :
Process Intensified Solid-Catalyzed Systems for CO2 Capture and Energy Applications
Abstract :
Process intensification can play a vital role in achieving net carbon zero goal. Process intensification refers to novel apparatus, designs or techniques that leads to a significantly smaller, energy efficient or economical technology, often by combining multiple processes in a single unit. One such approach is to carry out reactions in a compact micro-reactor – heat- exchanger assembly. When combustion is carried out in a microreactor with internal heat recirculation, the “excess enthalpy” of the hot exhaust gases is used in preheating the inlet fluid. First example will analyze a heat recirculating microreactor that is coupled with a thermo-electric module for power generation. The second example will focus on utilizing internal heat recirculation to improve methane yields in an autothermally operated microreactor for catalytic CO2 methanation. The final example will introduce our efforts in breathable MOFs (metal organic framework) for CO2 capture. The combination of intensified processes with novel catalysts / adsorbents have the potential to yield a step change in these energy applications.
Bio :
Dr. Niket Kaisare is a professor of chemical engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai, India. He is one of the coordinators of NPTEL/Swayam (National Program for Technology Enhanced Learning), and the online degree program of IIT Madras. Niket completed his PhD in Chemical Engineering at Georgia Tech in 2004. After a postdoctoral stint at the University of Delaware, he joined as an assistant professor in IIT Madras in summer 2007. Between 2011 and 2014, Niket spent three years in industrial R&D, first at General Motors and then at ABB Corporate Research in India. He rejoined as a faculty at IIT Madras in November 2014. His research interests are broadly in using experiments and multiscale modeling in combustion, catalysis and control for energy applications and in CO2 separation and conversion.