Dans le cadre de la soutenance de thèse de Marina Coupeau, Nadine Millot donnera un séminaire « Biomedical applications of nanoparticles: new nanoplatforms for theranostic » le lundi 28 Mars 2022 à 16h au laboratoire Ceisam, salle de conférence Marie Curie.
Biomedical applications of nanoparticles: new nanoplatforms for theranostic
Prof. Nadine MILLOT
Nanosciences Department, (Bio)-Hybrid Nanoparticles and Nanostructures Group (BH2N),
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB),
UMR 6303 CNRS/Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, FRANCE
The concept of nanomaterials that can be designed and administered into the human body to improve health is of great interest. During the past years there has been an increasing amount of research on the uses of nanomaterials in diverse areas of biomedical research including biological sensing, labelling, imaging, cell separation and therapy. Three promising nanostructures developed in ICB laboratory will be presented: SuperParamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs), Titanate Nanotubes (TiONts) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs).
The SPIONs presented in this talk for multimodal imaging (MRI/PET and MRI/optical imaging) are developed by taking advantage of (i) the originality of their simultaneous synthesis and colloidal stabilization in one step through a continuous hydrothermal synthesis device [1] and (ii) the association of these nanoparticles with innovative chelating agents (NODAGA, MANOTA etc.) or innovative fluorophores like phthalocyanine derivatives for near-IR detection and photodynamic therapy [2, 3].In vitro, in vivo and biodistribution results of the final NPs will be presented.
Our research group has also developed TiONts with controlled parameters from a hydrothermal synthesis and explored biomedical applications over the last decade. These nanotubes are currently elaborated as stable suspensions of nanocarriers by surface chemistry engineering. They can be used as novel transfection agents for cardiomyocytes [4] and we have shown that TiONts are capable of increasing the ionizing effect of radiation therapy in the case of glioblastoma [5]. More recently, we have demonstrated that TiONts-docetaxel (DTX) nanohybrids are versatile nanocarriers in order to limit the systemic toxicity of taxanes
and to improve the selectivity of radiotherapy (RT), alone or associated with AuNPs [6-7].
New developments will be also presented. Au NPs and SPIONs are under investigation to develop new glucose biosensors and to target and sort Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) as a diagnostic tool. Preliminary results will be presented including synthesis, surface modification and extensive characterization.

[1] Thomas G, Demoisson F, Chassagnon R, Popova E, Millot N. One-step continuous synthesis of functionalized magnetite nanoflowers. Nanotechnology 2016; 27: 135604-135619
[2] Boudon J, Paris J, Bernhard Y, Popova E, Decréau R, Millot N. Magneto-Optical Nanomaterial: towards a step-by-step SPIO-Phthalocyanine scaffold with a view to bimodal imaging. Chem. Commun. 2013; 49(67): 7394-7396
[3] Thomas G., Boudon J., Maurizi L., Moreau M., Walker P., Severin I., Oudot A., Poty S., Goze C., Demoisson F., Denat F., Brunotte F., Millot N., Innovative magnetic nanoparticles for PET/MRI bimodal imaging, ACS Omega 2019, 4, 2637−2648
[4] Papa AL, Dumont L, Vandroux D, Millot N. Titanate nanotubes: towards a novel and safer nanovector for cardiomyocytes. Nanotoxicology 2013; 7(6): 1131-1142
[5] Mirjolet C, Papa AL, Créhange G, Raguin O, Truc G, Maingon P, Millot N. The radiosensitization effect of titanate nanotubes as a new tool in radiation therapy for glioblastoma: a proof-of-concept. Radioth. Oncol. 2013; 108, 136-142
[6] Loiseau A., Boudon J., Mirjolet C., Créhange G., Millot N., Taxane-grafted metal-oxide nanoparticles as a new theranostic tool against cancer: the promising example of docetaxel-functionalized titanate nanotubes in preclinical development on prostate tumors, Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2017, 6 (16), 1700245
[7] Loiseau A., Boudon J., Oudot A., Moreau M., Boidot R., Chassagnon R., Saïd N.M., Roux S., Mirjolet C., Millot N., Radiotherapy enhancement in prostate cancer treatment by titanate nanotubes engineered with gold nanoparticles and docétaxel, Cancers 2019, 11(12), 1962 (21 pages)